《歌手》张杰《Better Man》 歌词未删减版视频

导语:在上周节目中,张杰凭借一首《很奇怪我爱你》摘得当期第四,强势宣告逆战回归。以下是本站小编整理的《歌手》张杰《Better Man》 歌词未删减版视频,欢迎阅读参考!

《歌手》张杰《Better Man》 歌词未删减版视频

湖南卫视2017全新音乐节目《歌手》将播出第四期。在上周节目中,张杰凭借一首《很奇怪我爱你》摘得当期第四,强势宣告逆战回归。而本周,新一轮淘汰危机来临,在其他歌手纷纷出招应对之时,张杰更是没有半分停歇,不仅选择了一首对自己意义非凡的歌曲《better man》应战,还暖心告白谢娜:“她让我变成更好的自己。”深情款款,羡煞旁人。

张杰全新改编《better man》 林忆莲全程“护航”狂点赞

上周《歌手》全新“双补入”赛制揭开神秘面纱,张杰随之以“逆战歌手”身份重回舞台,竞演中他以一首《很奇怪,我爱你》直诉对生活的理解与态度,首秀即摘得第四名的好成绩,延续首秀精彩,本周越战越勇的他选择了一首英国著名流行巨星罗比·威廉姆斯的《better man》再战舞台,精准的发音与自如的演唱将整首歌曲演绎得行云流水十分大气,而他深厚的情感倾注也为这首全新改编的名曲烙上了张杰的标签,耳目一新的观感获得曾经演唱过该曲中文版本的林忆莲高度评价,甚至在张杰正式上场竞演前,林忆莲还特意送上独家鼓励。

分享感动有“深意” 张杰:《better man》代表婚姻观、恋爱观

自上周rap版的《很奇怪我爱你》在竞演舞台唱响之后,张杰无畏流言直面质疑的耿直态度获得不少粉丝发言力挺赞其“杰哥真男人”,而近日网络上关于此话题也是热议不断。然而,但凡对张杰有所了解的'人都知道,其实早在十年之前,就有不少声音缠绕在张杰及其妻子谢娜周围,而张杰也曾在《流言有一千分贝》中吐露一二,可即便周身嘈杂,但两人依然保持初心积极传递快乐和正能量,幸福姿态让旁人羡慕不已。而此次张杰之所以在淘汰局选择《better man》出场,则是因为这首歌不仅是“杰娜”初识的契机,也是两人婚礼时谢娜唱给张杰的定情曲,而曲中“为对方变成更好的人”的主题更仿佛是对“杰娜”感情之路的描述。谈及至此,张杰有些动容:“这首歌不仅见证了这些年我和娜娜因为对方而变成更好的人,唱的也是我在恋爱观、婚姻观的一个成长过程,我希望通过歌曲能够把这种有意义、很感动的事情来跟大家分享。”

Better Man——张杰

Send someone to love me.

I need to rest in arms.

Keep me safe from harm.

In pouring rain.

Give me endless summer.

Lord I fear the cold.

Feel I'm getting old.

Before my time.

As my soul heals the shame.

I will grow through this pain.

Lord I'm doing all I can.

To be a better man.

Go easy on my conscience.

Cause it's not my fault.

I know I've been taught.

To take the blame.

Rest assured my angels.

Will catch my tears.

Walk me out of here.

I'm in pain.

As my soul heals the shame.

I will grow through this pain.

Lord I'm doing all I can.

To be a better man.

Once U've found that lover.

Love is all around.

Love is all around.

I know some have fallen on stony ground.

But Love is all around.

Send someone to love me.

I need to rest in arms.

Keep me safe from harm.

In pouring rain.

i be to love you.

my last to rest in arms.

Keep me safe from harm.

In pouring rain.

Give me endless summer.

Lord I fear the cold.

when you geat more

I'm in pain.

As my soul heals the shame.

I will grow through this pain.

Lord I'm doing all I can.

To be a better man.

To be a better man.

a better man.

a better man.

all better man.

be a better To be a better man.

all be you better man.